For example, perhaps you experience difficulty breathing
through nose. This can happen for many medical reasons, and this type of patient may want to consider a Houston nose job that focuses more on modifying the inner workings of the nose, rather than the external cosmetic features. Those that suffer
difficulty breathing through their nose often resort to mouth breathing or end
up snoring during sleep, which can be a great detriment to your quality of
sleep (not to mention the quality of sleep for your partner!). Perhaps you are
getting an appropriate amount of
sleep, but the quality is such that
you wake up not feeling rested and downright miserable.
Poor quality sleep can have many ramifications. We all know
we tend to not look our best after a rough night of sleep, but when those rough
nights add up, it can really take a toll. For example, after five nights of
poor quality sleep, three drinks will have the same effect on your body as six
would’ve if you’d slept well. This is something to consider when you head out
to Friday night happy hour after a busy 5 day work week full of late nights!
Poor quality of sleep due to nasal obstruction has also been
linked to weight gain, and many who have undergone a Houston nose job for such
reasons have seen tremendous weight loss post-surgery.
All of these effects are not uncommon among people whose
nasal passages are not free and open. A Houston rhinoplasty helps to open up
the passageways and get patients breathing easily, improving quality of sleep
and quality of life.
For example, the patient pictured above was suffering from a septal
perforation which can cause nasal airway obstruction, collapse of the nose,
whistling, etc, so she chose to undergo a Houston rhinoplasty. Dr. Athré was
able to perform a complex nasal reconstruction using ear cartilage and a
structural PDS plate to fix the septal defect. The septal perforation repair
completely worked and the patient was very pleased with the results. Here she
is shown only two weeks after surgery.
If you experience difficulty breathing through the nose, you
may want to consider a Houston rhinoplasty by premier cosmetic surgeon, Dr.Raghu Athré. Schedule a free consultation to discuss how the surgery is
performed and how it can improve your looks, self-confidence, or health. Just
call (281) 557-3223 and Dr. Athré will be happy to provide answers to the many
questions you may have.
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